Recommendations for Completing the Participation Application

This information must be filled out during registration as a championship participant. It is important that the submitted description of the master and technique will be displayed on the screen and read out during your performance. Be sure to review and proofread your material for any typographical errors before submitting, as the text will be presented as originally provided.

First and Last Name

(1) Indicate your first and last name in English, as it will be listed on the championship participant certificate.

Phone Number

(1) Вказуйте номер телефону підвязаний до Telegram. На нього вам напише менеджер для висилання реквізитів на оплату квитка.


(1) Provide an existing email address and ensure that there is enough space to receive emails. The championship participant ticket will be sent to this email after successful payment.

Country, City

(1) Please specify where you are from: country, city.

Description of Yourself as a Master

(1) Experience, certification, education. If you don’t have a medical education. This is how you will be seen by the audience and judges of the championship.

(2) The information will be read out and displayed on a large screen.

(3) Example: An experienced massage therapist with 10 years of experience in physical therapy and rehabilitation. Certified massage specialist from the National Association of Physical Therapists. Member of the International Massage Association

How Many Years You Have Been Practicing

(1) Experience as a Massage Therapist

Profile Photo

(1) A high-quality photo with good lighting.

(2) Selfies are not allowed.

(3) The photo should only feature one person – you.

(4) The photo will be displayed on a large screen during your performance.

Program Name

(1) The name is how this service would be called for a client.

(2) The name of the program must match the program declared by the master. (This is one of the evaluation criteria “Performance according to the program”)


Program Description

(1) What is this massage, what techniques are included, what is the purpose of the massage?

(2) The description of the program should be short and clear.

(3) Based on the description, the judges and the audience can correctly assess the purpose and meaning of the program.

(4) This information will be read by the host and displayed on a large screen during your performance.

(5) The description of your program will not be edited by the championship coordinator. All spelling mistakes, if present, will be preserved.